Send a bouquet

Trust Fauchois Fleurs and offer a unique and original creation!

Définissez votre besoin

Define your needs

Tell us to whom you want to offer a bouquet, for what occasion.  Give us your budget, we do the rest!

Faites-nous confiance

Trust us

Our team takes your request, listen to your needs, and create a bouquet according to the budget you set. The budget includes the bouquet, taxes and delivery costs!

Nous livrons

We deliver

We ship in the Greater Montreal at the time and to the address you indicated!

The Bouquet

Pick up: Prices include taxes.
Delivery: Prices include delivery and taxes.
Note: Your bouquet will be concocted according to the residual value.
(His/Her style, favorite colors, etc.)

Delivery Information

Please enter the information of the person to whom we must send the bouquet.
Please enter the information of the person who will pick up the bouquet.
Delivery date *
E.g., 2025/03/28
Pickup date *
E.g., 03/28/2025
(It will be written by our team and included in the bouquet)